Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jogging: Benefits for Health and How to Do It

Regular jogging gives great benefits for physical condition and other health. Jogging also gives physical pleasure and mental.

Jogging Benefits

Jogging provide fixed benefits for overall health when done. The effects of jogging is:

1. makes the heart stronger, which further accelerate blood circulation and respiration;
2. Accelerating the digestive system and help you get rid of digestive problems;
3. Counteract depression;
4. Increasing the capacity to work and lead an active life;
5. Jogging helps you burn fat and obesity;
6. If you have problems with appetite, jogging to help you fix it;
7. Jogging tightening leg muscles, thighs and back;
8. Makes sleep more soundly.

Pleasure derived from Jogging

Jogging also can give you pleasure both physically and mentally. When jogging is done properly, you will not feel tired when you've finished a tour more than you did before. You also benefit from feeling comfortable in the muscles during the jogging and afterwards.

You'll feel the wind blowing softly around your body, you can listen to the sound of birds singing, the sound of running water, or sound waves in the ocean (if you do it in the sea). During the jogging you can also feel a sense of excitement.

Clothes And Shoes

The clothes you wear should be in accordance with the air. As the warm air, shorts and t-shirt comfortable enough to wear. However, if you do a route that far there's nothing wrong with extra clothes in a small bag, in case if the air was bad. Choose clothing that can provide good ventilation, avoid full stitches, sharp-edged or tightly wrapped.

As for shoes, wear soft and comfortable, but with a form that fits in the leg. Select the base can be bent by bending your foot in the movement but enough to support the terhentak with soil, so that does not make you slip.

Routes and Jogging Session

Jogging can be done in various ways: the long distance between 2-20 km in normal speed; distance of 3-6 km high speed; Jogging taken at medium speed in a 4-8 kg.

How to Make Jogging Session

You should move slowly with the first small business in a few hundred meters to warm up your muscles. Then slowly add your speed. If you've done half the route, you can run faster according to your ability. If the route is long enough, you can take two or three drive with a nearly full capacity. For the last hundred meters distance slowed the movement you run.

Stretching Body And after a few sessions

Highly recommended to stretch before jogging session, and not just on your leg muscles, but also the whole body, do it for 2 minutes before and after 3-4 minutes.

Whenever And How Often

If jogging is only one sports activity undertaken, to do every other day is a measure of idelnya. That was enough to provide all health benefits and improve conditions, and your immune system. But if you combine jogging with other sports, two times a week doing pretty good for health. Perhaps you feel hungry when going to do jogging, but you should not do it after dinner. You can do it anytime during the day, but much better off jogging as the first activity in the morning.

How To Start

If you're not used to doing physical exercises, before you start jogging, it is good to consult with your doctor. You may have a health problem, which is not recommended for jogging, or should you consider when jogging. For the first, you should run in place for 10 minutes. Then you can add time, distance and speed when used.

source: http://danang.wordpress.com
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9 Benefits of White Water

1. Streamlining the digestive system

Consume sufficient amounts of water each day will facilitate the digestive system so that we will avoid the gastrointestinal problems like ulcers or constipation. The burning of calories will also be run efficiently.

2. White water helps to slow the growth substances cause cancer, plus prevent kidney stone disease and heart. Drinking water will make the body more energy.

3. Beauty treatments

If we less drinking water, the body will absorb the water content in the skin so the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. In addition, water can protect the skin from the outside, as well as moisturize and nourish the skin.

To maintain the beauty too, cleanliness hares body really cared for, plus a glass of water from 8 to 10 glasses a day.

4. For fertility

Increasing production of the hormone testosterone in men and estrogen in women.

According to research from a bacillus research institute thrombosis in London, England, if someone is always bathed with cold water then circulation and the body feels more fresh and fit. Bath with cold water will increase the production of white blood cells in the body and improve a person's ability to attack the virus. In fact, cold showers in the morning can increase the production of testosterone in men and estrogen in women. With so fertility and sexual excitement will increase. Also improves skin tissue, nails healthier and stronger, not easily cracked. Well, for a lazy morning shower or even a lazy bath. Should begin to change his habit

5. Healthy heart

Water is also believed to be part cure heart disease, rheumatism, skin damage, Papas tract disease, intestinal, dap female disease, etc..

Even today quite a lot of alternative medicine that uses water efficacy.

6. As medicine stroke

Hot water not only used to treat various skin diseases, but also effective for treating paralysis, such as stroke. Therefore, the water can help strengthen back muscles and ligaments as well as accelerate the blood circulation system and respiratory system. Effect of heat causes dilation of blood vessels, improving blood circulation and tissue oksigenisasi, thus preventing muscle rigidity, eliminate pain and calming the mind.

Content of ions, especially chlorine, magnesium, hydrogen carbonate and sulfate in hot water, helps dilation of blood vessels thus increasing blood circulation. Also able to sterilize the water pH of the skin.

7. Relaxation effect

Try standing in the shower and feel the effect in the body. Shower water that falls into the body feels like a massage and be able to eliminate fatigue because it feels like a massage. Some alternative medicine experts say, that in contact with the water fountain, a walk around the waterfall, or river and park with many fountains, will get benefits of negative ions. Negative ions which arise due to water droplets to collide it can ease the pain, neutralize toxins, combating disease, and helping to absorb and utilize oxygen. Negative ions in the blood flow will accelerate the delivery of oxygen to the cells and tissues.

Not only that if you have muscle tension can be relieved with a warm water bath temperature of about 37 degrees C. As our aching feet are often recommended to soak the feet with warm water mixed with a little salt. Well, if you have a shower we try a bath house and enjoy the results. Oh yes, the shower at home also produce negative ions.

8. Deal with loss

Water is also remove impurities in the body that will more quickly out through the urine. For those who want to deal with any body, drink warm water before eating (which was somewhat satisfied) is one way to reduce the amount of food intake. Moreover, the water does not contain calories, sugars, or fats. However, it is best to drink water at a temperature of medium, not too hot, and not too cold. Want skinny?, Drinking water alone.

9. Fitter body

Efficacy of water not only to cleanse the body, but also as a substance that is needed body. We may be able to survive food shortages a few days less than water. Because water is a major part of human body composition.

Decreased the amount of water in the body, the function of the body organs will also be decreased and more easily disturbed by bacteria, viruses, etc.. However, the human body has a mechanism in maintaining the balance of the incoming water intake and issued. The thirst of every person is a normal mechanism in maintaining the body's water intake. Water the body needs approximately 2-2,5 l (8 - 10 glasses) per day. The amount of this water needs include water intake from food (such as soup, soup, etc.), drinks such as milk, tea, coffee, syrups etc.. In addition, water intake was also obtained from the metabolism of food intake and metabolism in the body tissue.
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White Water Benefits

Approximately 80% of the human body consists of water. Brain and blood are two important organs that have water levels above 80%. The brain has a component of water by 90%, while the blood has a component of water 95%. At least, as normal we need 2 liters a day or 8 glasses a day. For smokers this amount must be added half. Water is needed to replace the fluid that came out of the body through urine, sweat, respiration, and secretion. The doctors also advised to consume 8-10 glasses of water every day so that your metabolism going well and normal.

Less Water, Hazards For Blood

If we consumes less than 8 glasses, the overall effect is not felt. But as a consequence, the body will balance itself by taking the source of the body's own components. Of them from the blood. Lack of water for blood is very dangerous for the body. Because, the blood will be thick. As a result, the blood travel as a means of transport of oxygen and nutrients can interfere.

Blood is thicker it will also pass the kidney that functions as a filter or tool to remove toxins from the blood. Kidney has a very fine sieve, so if you have thick blood filter the kidney must work extra hard. It is not possible damaged kidneys and may someday be having dialysis or medical language called hemodialysis.

That influence is less water to the blood and kidneys work. And what about the brain? Travel thick blood will also be blocked as it passes through the brain. In fact, brain cells are the most wasteful consumption of food and oxygen carried by blood. So that the function of brain cells are not optimal and could even die. These conditions will increasingly lead to stroke. Therefore do not let lack of water!

Well, the water body was also released through urine and sweat. The amount of water released through the body's urine is about 1 liter per day. If the number of stools in healthy people spent about 50 to 400 g / day, the water content of about 60 - 90% weight of stools or about 50 to 60 ml of water a day.

Meanwhile, water is wasted through sweat and breathing passages in 1 liter per day maximum, depending on the temperature of the surrounding air. Not to mention the expense factor of water through respiration. Someone who has a fever, the water content in the breath will increase. In contrast, the amount of water that is inhaled through a breathing decreases due to low humidity environs.

The body will deteriorate if the water content decreases and we do not immediately meet the needs of these bodies of water. U.S. cardiologist, Dr. James M. Rippe give advice to drink at least a quart of water more than what is required of our thirst. Because the loss of only 4% of fluid will result in a reduction of our performance as much as 22%! Understandable if lost 7%, we will begin to feel weak and lethargic.

Just so you know, the more activity the more the water is drained from the body. Therefore, health experts warned that not only drink when thirsty habits much to drink, whether it is hungry or not, is a healthy habit!

If the college in air-conditioned room, it is recommended to drink more because of the cold air and the body dehydrated. Many drinks will also help the skin does not dry quickly. In the room where the temperature does not remain even advisable to get a drink though not feel thirsty to balance the temperature.
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sleeping Beauty 10 Tips

Here are 10 tips that you can sleep soundly at night:

1. In general there are three basic environment to sleep soundly. First, make sure you make the room dark as possible. This may mean artificial dark, dark curtains or cover her eyes to sleep. The second, the room should be quiet. Additional curtains or silencer equalizer. The third, the room temperature should be cool or cold. Temperatures should be around 27 degrees or below.

2. Poor sleep is often a symptom of anxiety, anxiety, obsession, guilt, anger is not dealt with, depression and many emotional and spiritual problems. Make sure that you clean up the issues or heal the wounds that make you tercampak or drop yourself. A vital part of treatment of this issue must submit all to God. Waive the Lord to handle and heal what is behind your abilities.

3. Sleeping rough are often the result of low levels of serotonin. Serotonin can be added through eating foods that trigger the formation of serotonin. Turkeys, dairy products, and bananas are examples of food materials
. The second, there are supplements such as 5HTP can help. Another experience of a lack of serotonin-related genetic drift, which required treatment. Do not eat protein at night because it can keep you stay awake. Eat a light carbohydrate meal on one or two hours before bedtime, such as biscuits or muffins, to get tryptophan to the brain is channeled through the foods you eat throughout the day.

4. After dinner, take activities like a walk or do some exercise, but remember to finish all of this at least 3 hours before bedtime. Conversely exercise too close to bedtime can be a stimulant bad sleep. Sports faster can help you become relaxed.

5. Before you are ready to rest, drink half a cup of herbal tea containing herbs or herbal kamomile.

6. Change what you eat. Do not drink (or eat) anything containing caffeine before nightfall. Chocolate, tea, coffee, cola drinks and other beverages containing caffeine should not be consumed in the afternoon. Check any content you are taking to ensure no caffeine, ephedra or contain other stimulants have trouble sleeping.

7. Enough sunlight is needed throughout the day to regulate sleep cycles. If you have to recognize irregularities in the day (call it sleep "bats or bat"), you may need a light box to add the light throughout the day. You can learn about this lighting problem in many other web writings.

8. If you are struggling with sleep problems, do not go to bed to watch television. If you can not sleep, go to another room and try to read until you drowsy. Do not get up and watch television because of the color and light will continue to stimulate the brain works.

9. If you wake up in the middle of the night, do not turn on the lights or find out what time it is. Both of these can stimulate the brain to work and out of sleep state. Lying in bed and wait until you fall asleep again. If you do not go back to sleep, wake up, go into another room under membacalah a rather dim light until you are sleepy again. Back to bed and lay there, resting for the rest of your night, although you may not fall asleep. Most, you'll be half asleep half awake without knowing it. Woke up briefly also be a good time to have quiet time with God.
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Advantages And Benefits Healthy Living Pattern Implementation

Here are a few benefits that can be obtained by someone who has done and implement a healthy lifestyle that have been described in another article, namely:

1. Can sleep well
2. Can work more leverage and improve performance
3. Learn best
4. Positive thinking and healthy
5. Feel peaceful, comfortable and peaceful
6. Has a healthy appearance
7. Getting a life and good social interaction
8. More confident
9. Save expenditure on health
10. Avoid illness

Thus it is clear that by making healthy lifestyle, many benefits that will come over to do the wrong pattern described in other articles on this site. Hopefully you include a healthy living lifestyle.
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Abnormal pattern Lifestyle

Bitter reality that must be faced by people are weird they will be considered by a foreign environment. Why? have the procedure because of life, togetherness has ties both conscious or not. Every human being has the freedom, so that anyone would think that we are free to do anything, any style and have a tendency not hurt anything as long as other people. But is not that simple. We can not forget that other people see and evaluate what we do, we can not simply be concerned that their care and love us.

Imagine, for example, or you make a habit of many years, according to the habits that most people are strange, unusual or abnormal. People do not know if you like that, and then finally the person who is very close to you such as your beloved is about to know habits are abnormal. What happens?, Sweetheart you feel pity, concern, and remind you that do not like it, do not hurt yourself, go to the fair for yourself, at least remember the feeling that people love you. Perhaps as it is, you have Alienasi dilemma. As a result of not feeling so direction, so my mind feels heavy and you really feel strange life of your own

Why should happen?. Why they can not accept the pattern of your life?. Why do you make a habit people feel pity?. Why do people who love you can not accept such a pattern of life?. The answer is because you do not practice healthy. The pattern of life that you have suffered a lot of elements. You read too much so you even have to forget that eating three times a day. You work too much so you forget that your beloved does not want to see the perennially you feel tired. You continue awake when most people are comfortable with the normal sense of grace. If you like that may not be excessive if you said Health. Well here I do not agree, you are not sick and they feel OK. The problem is different from what it is

Ok enough home-you. I can have a deviation spelled like this. I was not eating pattern uniform, my sleep pattern to chance and the pattern work I really strain. From my first to such health consequences and can I spelled borderline up and down. Repeatedly friends and lovers are reminded that the beloved is not good like that. And I felt indirectly if they want to change the pattern of my life bit by bit. I am very grateful, it is worth it is the gift that I have people who care and love me. As I already existent thanks attempt to adjust the pattern of most of my life with other people. Time passed and the result is not satisfactory, somehow I feel strange even with themselves. As a robot, living like a dead body is controlled by circumstances "surrounding how people"

The core problem is the abnormal patterns of living differences in the perception of the habit or a certain pattern of life. For most people, the important thing is life is to be healthy and does not create hardship. So, eating patterns and regular enough, sleep enough and work according to ability not a physical alias. People must have a strange way of approach is also very weird, sometimes they consider it important that even the other people do not have meaning. Certain people who have high ideals, for the satisfaction of the soul is the main priority, they willingly give up things that other people considered to be important according to him for something far more important. There are certain people who like to work too and have a sense that every idealist must work perfectly, so many things he was sacrificing for the job. There are certain people that crazed for study, as though all the books in the world this should be read out, for the time that there is too little to be removed futile. Yah this is indeed a matter of taste and perception, is not denied that this problem makes life feels full of bizarre people and suffered dilemma.

Perhaps it is destiny that. There is uniformity in the pattern of light, not the picture will become more beautiful. Ah ya ya in my opinion obviously strange. Therefore, I ask how all friends.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

step on the children with COFFEE


Do not be afraid and worry! This situation is always the fear Him parents if their children have fever or a fever. If children are over the age of 6 months can try the following tips and hopefully fear and worry will disappear, happiness is to be family owned.

Usually the parents (especially a father) like to drink COFFEE, right right?, Coffee is meant here is that diseduh coffee powder with hot water rather than hot water tremos. If children are over the age of 6 months, give drink black coffee is 1-3 times a week for 1 or 2 tsp. Basically, the child was very much felt, because the coffee is sweet (but not the most).

I have to try it and my child is now aged 2.5 years, had never experienced a step caused by a high fever! Basically, black coffee is nutritious and the ward since early step. Therefore do not worry if our children have a fever, which resulted in step / strain-a strain not come again. Hopefully this information useful. Share this article if you are already evident, and especially to understand families and help the environment around since the early articles useful.
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